Here are our future works, not necessarily in that order.
a Revisiting of the Atom Heart Mother is in the making. 50% done.
Hopefully one day of 202... we are going to release an astonishing Completed and Restored Best of Tour '72 boot, far better than what WRomanus and }{eywood made
in 2009.
Probably dropped --> A Revisiting of The Piper at The Gates of Dawn.
Almost done but actually in stand by due to the great work done by ProfStoned on that album.
Hollywood Bowl 1972 will be done one year or another.
We are CONSTANTLY working renewing the MQR's Total Zabriskie Point of View - The Box, made by the movie completely scored by Pink Floyd,
The Lost Album, the Complete Collection and the Live ZP song CD will be redone as well.
The whole Box will be available for real old good ZP fans sometime one of these years. ;)
We also are thinking to a project compiling and reworking/remixing Acoustic Jethro Tull songs...
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